At TOMARON, your privacy is an important matter.

This Privacy Statement describes information that TOMARON and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “TOMARON,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) collect, use, share, and store, including personal information (i.e., information that personally identifies you, such as your name, email address or billing information, or other data that can be reasonably used to infer this information).

This document focuses on information related to the operation of any TOMARON devices, fragrance machines, related products, and services. In this Privacy Statement, the expression "TOMARON system" also includes our Apps as defined in our Terms of Service and any subscription services we may offer (collectively, “Services”).

We Will:

1. Be transparent about the different types of information we collect and how we use them; and

2. Use appropriate data security tools to keep your data safe and protect the TOMARON System from unauthorized access.

Your Consent:

Consent to data collection and processing. By using the TOMARON System, you agree to allow us to collect and process information as described in this Privacy Statement.

Consent to data export. Your personal information may be collected, processed and stored by TOMARON or its service providers in the United States and other countries where our servers reside. Please be aware that, if you are not in the United States, the privacy protections and legal requirements, including the rights of authorities to access your personal information, in some of these countries may not be equivalent to those in your country. If you are using the TOMARON System in the European Union or other regions with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law, you consent to the transfer of your personal data to the United States and other countries where TOMARON operates.

What information does TOMARON collect?

TOMARON collects:

  • Setup information you provide

  • Data about the fragrance capsules used in the device

  • Data about fragrance consumption

  • Technical information from the device

  • Direct adjustments to the device

Setup information you provide: When you install TOMARON App, you will be asked several questions the answers to which will govern the operation of the app and the device. You will be asked if the device will be used in a business or a home and for your address or zip code and your email address.

Data about the fragrance oil bottle used in the device: The device will be able to identify the fragrance oil bottle installed in the device, including the fragrance in the device, the initial fragrance volume, empty bottle weight, consumption rate, amount of fragrance remaining, serial number, density (based on fragrance), output, and initial capsule loaded weight.

Direct adjustments to the device: If you change settings on the TOMARON device, it will record and feed that information to the TOMARON algorithms to predict the scent intensity levels you prefer in different rooms at different times to learn your desired scent intensity level in different rooms and situations.

Technical information from the device: In order to keep the software updated in the TOMARON device, to understand how the device is used and help troubleshoot any problem you may encounter, we record your TOMARON Product model and serial number, software version, and technical information.

What information is shared among multiple connected TOMARON Systems?

If you have multiple TOMARON devices to serve different spaces or to provide instant scent change in a single space the devices will share certain information (such as intensity settings and scheduling information) with each other and with your mobile device such as the smartphone app.

How does my TOMARON System or account interact with third parties?

  • If I connect third-party to the TOMARON System will information be shared? When you choose to connect third-party products and services through TOMARON Apps, you are shown details about any proposed exchange(s) of data between TOMARON and the third party that is providing the product or service. In some cases, TOMARON or the third party will instead (or also) ask for permission to control the products that you have connected. Your explicit consent is required to allow any of these exchanges or requests for control and you will be able to revoke it at any time.

  • Is information shared with or received from third parties, outside of the TOMARON program? TOMARON may share information with third parties with your permission.

  • Additional information about the limited circumstances in which information from your TOMARON account may be shared with third parties is described below in the section titled "In what circumstances does TOMARON share my information?".

  • Any TOMARON data that you choose to share with a third party is governed by that third party's privacy policy while in that party's possession.

  • Any data that TOMARON receives from third-parties will be processed and stored by TOMARON and will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Statement. This information may be processed in the same ways as any other data that is a part of your TOMARON account or any TOMARON data logs that may exist or be kept.

What additional information does TOMARON collect and store when a user connects an TOMARON Product to the Internet or creates an account?

Wi-Fi Network Information: To connect your TOMARON Device to our Services, or to access your TOMARON Device over the Internet from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, you will need to connect it to your Wi-Fi network. During setup, the TOMARON Product will ask for your Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password to connect to the Internet. It will save this information on the device, along with your IP address, so that you can access it and control it from your computer, smartphone or tablet, and so that it can communicate with TOMARON servers and download software updates.

Once connected to your Wi-Fi network, your TOMARON System regularly sends the data described in this Privacy Statement (but not your Wi-Fi password) to TOMARON to provide you with the Services.

Additional Authorized Users: TOMARON may provide you with the ability to enable additional authorized users to access your account. If you do so, the additional authorized users may control and view all of your devices, content, and any connections to any other TOMARON devices. Invited users may also add additional authorized users to your account, so be careful to add only those users you trust. An invited user must have or create a TOMARON account, and information about invited users (like email address, name, or changes to product settings) will be stored with your account.

Email Addresses: When you create a TOMARON account, we collect and store your email address. From that point forward, your email address is used for communications from TOMARON. In addition, TOMARON may provide you with the ability to enable individuals to access your account as additional authorized users, or to invite other individuals such as friends or family to share access to any content you may create on the TOMARON web site. We will ask you for the email address of any such individuals and automatically send an email invitation on your behalf. TOMARON stores this information to send this email, to register your friend if your invitation is accepted, and to track the success of our invitation services.

Basic Profile Information: Your account allows you to provide certain basic profile information like your name and profile photo. Names and profile photos may be shown to others in connection with the Services. For example, if you invite someone as an additional authorized user, he or she will be able to see your name and photo. You should only use photos you are willing to make public.

Remember that when you visit our Sites, we collect personal information as described in our separate Privacy Policy for TOMARON Web Sites. Like most Internet sites, we routinely record log entries (including information such as your IP address) and technical information (such as your browser type and version) when your browser, mobile device or your TOMARON System contacts our servers.

How does TOMARON use the information it collects?

We use this information to provide, develop and improve the TOMARON System and other TOMARON products. We may use your contact details to send you this information, or to ask you to participate in surveys about your use of the TOMARON System and to send you other communications from TOMARON.

We may also use this information in an aggregated, non-identified form for research purposes and to help us make sales, marketing, and business decisions. For example, we may use aggregated user information about usage, fragrances, geography and demography to help us decide the type of fragrances we should create and offer you.

We may use service providers to perform some of these functions. Those service providers are restricted from sharing your information for any other purpose.

We use industry-standard methods to keep this information safe and secure while it is transmitted over your home network and through the Internet to our servers. Depending on your location and type of data, TOMARON may process your personal information on servers that are not in your home country.

In what circumstances does TOMARON share my information?

Under no circumstance do we share personal information for any commercial or marketing purpose unrelated to the activation, use and delivery of the TOMARON system and services without asking you first. We do not rent or sell our customer lists. The following are the limited situations where we may share personal information:

  • With your explicit consent: We may share personal information when we have your consent. One example of this would be if you invite another user to access the TOMARON System on your account as an additional authorized user. Another example is if you sign up for programs offered by our partners and if you do this, we may share certain information with the partner. This could include things like your enrollment information and the activation status of your device. Similarly, when you connect third-party devices and services to your TOMARON System you are shown information about any proposed exchange of data. Your explicit consent is required to allow these exchanges on your behalf and you can change your mind at any time.

  • For external processing: We have vendors, service providers, and technicians who help with some of our processing and storage, including helping to answer your questions. They may also assist with monitoring our servers for technical problems. These technicians (as well as TOMARON employees) can access certain information about you or your account in line with this work. But, these technicians are not allowed to use this data for non-TOMARON purposes.

  • As part of business transitions: Upon the sale or transfer of the company and/or all or part of its assets, your personal information may be among the items sold or transferred. We will request a purchaser to treat our data under the privacy statement in place at the time of its collection.

  • For legal reasons: We may provide information to a third party if we believe in good faith that we are required to do so for legal reasons. For example, we may provide information to a third party to respond to legal process, or comply with state and federal laws within the United States, or the applicable laws of other countries.

We may share non-personal information (for example, aggregated or anonymized customer data) publicly and with our partners. For example, we may publish trends about fragrance preferences and usage.

If you select an outside party for the purchase, installation, or service of your TOMARON System and share your personal information, we cannot control the collection, storage or sharing of information collected by that party. For example, if you buy your TOMARON System from a retailer, the retailer may collect personal information as part of the transaction. Or the party from whom you gain assistance to install your TOMARON system may retain information that you provided to them to assist them in setting up the device. Always read carefully the privacy policies of any company that collects your personal information.

How long does TOMARON save my personal information and how can I delete it?

TOMARON generally stores your personal information on TOMARON servers until you delete or edit it, or for as long as you remain a TOMARON customer, in order to provide you with quality TOMARON products and services.

As described above, some information is processed and stored directly on the TOMARON System. All personal information is encrypted as it is transmitted to TOMARON and cannot easily be accessed.

You can delete the information on the TOMARON System by resetting it to the defaults (using Reset in the Settings menu).

You can access, amend or delete your personal information from TOMARON servers through the controls in your account. Because of the way we maintain certain Services, after your information is deleted, backup copies may linger for some time, and may not be deleted. We may retain certain data for a longer period of time if we are required to do so for legal reasons.

Please note that this Privacy Statement may change from time to time. We will provide notice of any changes on the Site or by contacting you.

If you have any questions, please contact us at